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Bee-sy Earth Day Celebrations at Clintar

EarthDay-LogoAs environmental leaders in the landscape management industry we are committed to practising green-friendly procedures and using environmentally conscious products that are safe for you and our team to use every day.

To celebrate Earth Day, we will be wearing our “Every Day is Earth Day” T-shirts as part of the Clintar uniform, so you can expect to see some new, green shirts on familiar faces on your properties today.

We are also launching our first bee-friendly garden at our Mississauga West-Milton location. The garden will be enriched with native perennial plants and flowers of all colours and sizes, and all the flowers and plants will be Neonicotinoids pesticide-free.

As you may know, bees play an important role in the production of flowers, trees and fruits. In fact, two-thirds of the food crops humans eat every day require bees and pollinators to successfully produce a crop. With the small gesture of planting this bee-friendly garden, we want to do our part to help maintain the beautiful landscapes and nourishing produce we enjoy and hope you’ll be inspired to do the same.

The Bee Cause is an initiative by Friends of the Earth, a Canadian organization comprised of volunteers who take action on climate change and pollution, as well as hold the government accountable on environmental laws.

To learn more about The Bee Cause or How to Donate, click here.

We expect the bee garden to be in full bloom by the early summer and will share our progress with photos on the blog, so stay tuned!

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