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Fall Clean Ups Done Right!

As the days grow shorter and the temperatures begin to drop, our thoughts turn to curling up by the fire with a cup of hot cocoa and beginning hibernation season… But before your mind gets too far down that path, remember that before the snow flies, there are a few things you can do in your yard that will improve your spring growth!

Feed your lawn: A quick fall fertilization will help maintain your lawn’s root health and replenish nutrients that were expended during the summer months. Fertilizations are best to do when plants are still absorbing nutrients, so don’t wait too long to get out there!

Don’t forget to water: As it gets colder, we tend to pack our sprinklers away for the season – before you do, remember to water! Plants are still thirsty in the fall and by giving them a quick early morning drink you can prevent them from going into the winter season dry and dehydrated.

Pick up the leaves: Simple fall clean ups done right will save you time in the spring! Pick up the leaves now to prevent having to do it in the spring when they are wet, heavy and dirty. Dark, moist environments can be breeding grounds for disease, so grab your rake before it’s too late.

Aerate soil and reseed: Compacted soil caused from foot traffic can cut off the supply of oxygen and nutrients to roots. By aerating the soil, it opens up the roots to breathe again which will result in a healthier lawn in the spring. Once the lawn is aerated, you can also throw down some grass seed, as early fall can be the best time to seed so turf roots are established before winter.

Lastly, mow low: This one speaks for itself – before storing your lawnmower for the winter season, be sure you get out there and do one last “low mow.”

Happy hibernating Toronto!


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