Why leave snow removal to the pros?

I’m not sure about you, but knowing I have to wake up, pile on layers of clothing and head out into arctic-like temperatures to dig out my car makes me dread hearing my alarm clock even more.
Canadian winters tend to bring large amounts of snow, so why not wake up with peace of mind knowing your trusted snow removal company is taking care of the job? (…and I’m sure the extra few minutes of sleep won’t hurt!)
If that’s not reason enough, here are a few more compelling arguments for why hiring a professional snow plowing service is better than doing it yourself!
Professionals get the job done the right way
Unlike the snow shovel sitting in your garage that has been passed down from generation to generation, snow plow services make sure their equipment is up to date! They own and operate the newest, most efficient technology to plow your driveways. That means no ice patches left behind or driveways too narrow to pass through.
Reduce the risk of injury
Not only is there a chance you’ll hurt yourself while you’re clearing your driveway, you may run the risk of leaving black ice. Snow plowing services remove that risk, so there’s no chance of you or a guest slipping as you enter or leave your home.
No property damage
Licensed and insured companies guarantee you are getting professional snow removal service that won’t damage your property. This means you don’t have to worry about your driveway chipping or seeing other surfaces incur damages over time.
Get snow cleared fast
It takes time to clear your own driveway or parking lot if you’ve only got a shovel to work with. With professional tools and expertise, your driveway could be cleared in minutes, allowing you to get on with your day.
We promise the job will get done
Unlike the city plow, when you work with a professional snow clearing service, you’ll know when they start clearing your property and get a general idea of when they will be finished. How great is that?!
Put your time toward something important to you
Your time is too valuable to spend shoveling snow. Instead of being outside in the cold, you can be spending time with family, working, or simply relaxing. Oh!, and did we mention you might never have to touch a snow shovel again? Goodbye frozen fingers, snotcicles and watery eyes!