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Clintar’s 50/50 Draw Donates to Make a Wish Foundation

As part of our mandate for 2016, Clintar’s management team decided as a whole that we would implement more community-building and fundraising initiatives to support our local communities and organizations, while encouraging Clintar employees to participate as well.

At the end of January this year, our Head Office formed a Social Committee and we chose the Make a Wish Foundation as the first national charity organization for Clintar to work with for 2016.

For the month of April, we raised $4,000 with the support of our franchises and will be donating half of that money to the Make a Wish Foundation, the other half was won by

Brandon Ingram, an employee from our Scarborough location. In addition, we donated a second prize of free tickets to a sporting event of the winner’s choice, valued at $400. The winner for this prize was our Mississauga East franchise owner Gary Adamson, who graciously decided to use his winnings to take some of his staff for a round of golf.

We look forward to supporting more fundraising and community-building opportunities like the 50/50 raffle for the Make a Wish Foundation in the future, and hope to raise more each year.

If you’d like to learn more about any of our charitable initiatives or have an outreach idea you’d like to share, feel free to tweet us @ClintarOffice.

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