Clintar Celebrates National Tree Day with Local Schools

Did you that know that September 21st is National Tree Day? To commemorate the event, some of our franchises including Clintar Brampton, Clintar Kitchener, Clintar Ottawa and Head Office have celebrated with a local hospital and schools by planting a tree in their community.

Clintar has donated the trees, mulch and physical support to make the tree planting a success at each of the schools. As we believe a large part of cultivating a sustainable and safe planet is dependent on education, we also devoted a portion of the tree planting process to educate students about why trees are necessary for a healthy ecosystem, as well as the many other advantages trees contribute to a landscape. For example, they can help reduce pollution, lower energy costs and provide humans and wildlife with clean air, shelter and shade during the warmer seasons.
We look forward to continuing this tradition of planting a new tree with a different school each year on National Tree Day and speaking with young, inquiring minds about the benefits of plant and tree life in our communities.
Clintar would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to the Artistic Landscape Designs Garden Centre for donating the tree planted by Clintar Ottawa at Blossom Park Public School.

If you wish to bring a tree planting and education initiative to your school in the future, please contact your local franchise directly or email us at
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