Clintar’s Corporate Social Responsibility Practitioner Certification

We’re pleased to announce that Clintar recently acquired its Corporate Social Responsibility Practitioner (CSR-P) certification.
The CSR-P course is designed and taught by the Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE), a firm specializing in global sustainability, consulting, coaching and training. They work with both the private and public sectors in the Americas, Europe, Asia and the Middle East to help organizations through the integration of sustainability principles in their culture, products and services. The CSE is an accredited training provider in sustainability and is assessed and mapped against national standards.
As Clintar continues to grow and expand our service offerings, we wish to provide our clients with more advanced, sustainable and affordable options as part of our evolving environmental mandate. Through working with the CSE, we hope to achieve a higher performance in our services and increase Clintar’s brand recognition as a trustworthy authority and provider in environmentally-sound landscape management and snow removal solutions.

In order to acquire our CSR-P certification, Resource and Development Manager Daniel Anisz completed a two-year mock sustainability action plan for Clintar, which comprised the four main areas of sustainability in a company: environmental, social, workplace and marketplace.
“When most people think about sustainability in business, they don’t realize how complex it really is. After completing this training and getting certification, I realized how much truly goes in to creating a good sustainability plan for a company,” said Daniel. “I learned how to look at our company in a sustainable way from all the key areas and realized how important it is to measure all of this data so that you can improve as a company on a year-over-year basis.”
Clintar is one of the first recognized Canadian landscape and snow removal corporations to obtain the CSR-P certification. We look forward to working with the CSE in the future and continuously explore and implement environmental initiatives for decades to come.