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Battery-Operated Equipment Launching at Clintar

Clintar is pleased to share that we are one of the first landscape management and property maintenance service providers to launch the use of battery-operated equipment in Alberta, Canada.

Some of our franchises are actively using battery-operated equipment already and we are planning for a nation-wide implementation for all of our franchises across Canada in the near future.


So Why Choose Battery-Operated Equipment?

Many people are skeptical about the level of output and quality received from battery-operated equipment and are convinced that battery-operated equipment are inferior to gas-powered equipment as it lacks horsepower and endurance. After much research, we found that was in fact, not the case at all…


Less Pollution, Equal Power

In reality, technology has come a long way and our battery-operated equipment is actually capable of exerting horsepower at a level equal to commercial gas-operated equipment and without exerting the level of noise pollution some gas-powered equipment is notoriously known for.

Clients can enjoy both an environmentally cared for property and a peaceful working environment for their staff and customers.


Fewer Maintenance Checks, Fewer Costs

Regular maintenance of landscaping equipment is one of the most important, time consuming, and costly tasks that every company must endure to ensure the longevity and efficiency of their equipment.

Since there are no internal combustion engines, spark plugs to clean or change and no engine oil or filters to replace with battery-operated equipment, overhead costs can be reduced in the long-term.


The Environmental Benefits of Battery-Operated Equipment

Zero Carbon Emissions

The battery-operated equipment we employ emit zero carbon emissions into the environment while in operation – an impressive feat considering gas lawn mowers can contribute as much as 33% of pollution in one municipality.

Energy Star-Approved Battery Chargers

Energy-Star approved battery chargers reduce energy usage by an average of 35% compared to the average landscape care equipment.

Environmentally Pro-Active Charging Options
Our equipment can be charged electrically within two hours or overnight. In addition, some of our equipment also provides alternative environmental charging methods such as solar power charging.


Battery-Operated Equipment in Clintar’s Fleet

Our roster of battery-operated equipment includes the following:

  • Line Trimmers
  • Hedge Trimmers
  • Blowers (handheld and backpack versions)
  • Chainsaws
  • Mowing Fleet


For more information on any of our battery-operated equipment or suppliers, contact your local Clintar Franchise or leave us a comment.

#Battery-operated Equipment #Energy Efficient #Sustainability

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