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Clintar Recognized as a Best Workplace™

Clintar has been recognized as one of this year’s Best Workplaces™ in Canada. This list, and related stories, will appear in a Special National Report on Friday April 27, 2018 in The Globe and Mail.

At Clintar Commercial Outdoor Services, we recognize that our people make the difference between a good company and a great company, and over the past several years, we have introduced several initiatives at our Head Office aimed at improving our employees’ workplace experience.

Our People are our Number One Resource

– Kimberly Khoury, CCO
The 2018 Best Workplaces™ in Canada list is compiled by the Great Place to Work® Institute. The competition process is based on two criteria: two-thirds of the total score comes from confidential employee survey results and the remaining one-third comes from an in-depth review of the organization’s culture. This offers a rigorous representation of the organization from an employee perspective, and an overall portrait of the workplace culture. Together, they provide crucial data relative to five trust-building dimensions: credibility, respect, fairness, pride, and camaraderie.

This year’s list received over 400 registrations and over 80,000 employees participated in the 2018 “Best Workplaces™ in Canada” survey, rolling out to impact over 300,000 Canadian employees.

For more information please contact the Institute at or visit

Clintar Best Workplace in Canada

About Great Place to Work®

Great Place to Work® is the global authority on high-trust, high-performance workplace cultures. It is a global research and consulting firm with a mission to build a better society, by helping companies transform their workplaces. Great Place to Work® provides the benchmarks, framework and expertise needed to create, sustain, and recognize outstanding workplace cultures. In Canada, Great Place to Work® produces both industry and demographic-specific Best Workplace™ lists. This is part of the world’s largest annual workplace study, which culminates in a series of national lists in over 50 countries, including the study’s flagship list of 100 Best Companies published annually in Fortune magazine. Globally, this survey represents the voices of 11 million employees, which is the primary determinant used in selecting winners. There’s only one way to get on this list – your employees have to put you on it.

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Earth Day at Clintar Landscape

About Your Company:

Clintar is a full-service landscape, snow removal and outdoor property services provider for all commercial and corporate needs year-round.

Built on quality and unparalleled industry experience since 1973, Clintar proudly upholds and asserts environmental sustainability and health and safety standards in the Canadian commercial properties industry.

With exceptional value-added services and commitment to providing timely quality services, Clintar continues to provide award-winning landscape management, snow and ice control, landscape enhancements and parking lot maintenance services across Canada.

#Canada's Best Managed Companies #Landscape Management

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Your landscaping company should always make you look your best we focus on managing and maintaining everything that happens outside of your doors.

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