Eco-Friendly Landscaping Techniques

There are several ways to achieve a beautiful landscape at a commercial or industrial site, using eco-friendly techniques. Clintar Commercial Outdoor Services has, for the past several years, placed particular focus on offering eco-friendly alternatives to its commercial and industrial clients. This comes in the form of constantly researching, developing and acquiring more efficient and sustainable practices and products to introduce to our commercial & industrial clients, as part of our everyday practices. These practices include:
- Integrated Pest Management – an ecosystem-based strategy that focuses on long-term prevention of pests through a combination of techniques such as biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices, and use of resistant varieties.
- Natural horticultural methods to reduce the need for fertilizers and pesticides.
- Eco-friendly landscaping to prevent runoff, reduce pollutants entering the groundwater, promote water conservation and protect the soil.
- Waste reduction and safe disposal of organics, concrete and asphalt, or where possible, recycling of this waste.
- Water & soil conservation through effective web-enabled (wireless) irrigation systems, such as UgMO.
If you have any questions on how you can achieve a more environmentally-friendly landscape at your commercial or industrial property, please contact us at:
We at Clintar have also continued to transform our landscaping equipment to a more environmentally friendly and technically-advanced level, which has resulted in lower CO2 emissions and water consumption rates. These include:
- Our use of battery-operated equipment in delivering our landscaping services, when possible (hand-held line & hedge trimmers, blowers, chainsaws, etc.)
- Reduction of carbon emissions through efficient route planning and use of electric vehicles, when possible.
- Project planning to reduce water usage, carbon emission and improve fuel efficiency.
- Hybrid Fleet – Clintar branded, hybrid vehicles for equipment transportation and site visits.
For more information on how Clintar Commercial Outdoor Services applies sustainable practices in its operations across Canada, 365 days a year, please visit