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Home / Resources / Eco Friendly Landscaping / The Property Managers Guide to a Sustainable Commercial Property in Canada

The Property Managers Guide to a Sustainable Commercial Property in Canada

Showing up on time to clear walkways, attention to detail when maintaining the grounds, ensuring the landscaping reflects the image of the building — what commercial facilities managers and property managers expect from their landscape management companies hasn’t changed. It’s grown.

With 44% of Canadians making purchasing decisions based on ecological and socially responsible criteria, it’s clear that the very conscience of consumers in Canada has changed. Environmentally responsible practices in landscape management have far-reaching implications in the commercial space.

Sustainable Commercial Property

It’s no longer enough that landscape maintenance crews keep the property looking clean and professional. Commercial landscape maintenance practices must align with the public image property owners want to portray to attract and retain the best tenants. And those practices must also align with business and consumer values that are being rapidly shaped by growing environmental awareness in Canada.

Public image and environmental consciousness are coming together in new ways in the commercial real estate space — and property managers and facilities managers are on the front lines of this evolution. The choices they make around commercial landscape management and the landscape maintenance companies they hire directly impact the environmental sustainability of their properties.

For commercial outdoor management companies, reliability and responsibility must be intricately woven if they want to continue to get contracts with forward-thinking property management companies.

In this white paper, we will explore this shift and what it means for commercial property managers. You’ll learn about the four Impact Points that can make the biggest difference in the environments you manage and can make the biggest impact on tenant satisfaction:

  1. Using smarter irrigation practices
  2. Reducing emission and carbon footprint
  3. Practicing eco-friendly landscape design
  4. Reconsidering how salt is used for ice management

Improving environmental responsibility in these areas can directly affect tenant satisfaction and reduce property maintenance expenses over time.

Download the guide now and learn about the future of sustainable property management!

#Sustainable Commercial Property #White Paper

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