Clintar Health & Safety

Clintar Commercial Outdoors Services has always placed our commitment to Health and Safety as a top priority, and we continue to improve and expand upon our concepts and procedures every year.
Having a dedicated health and safety program in place not only protects our employees; it directly benefits our clients in numerous ways and is one of the reasons we are recognized as a top commercial landscaping and snow removal provider across the country.
Our health and safety orientations were completed for the 2019/2020 winter season. They involved an in-depth review of our currently implemented policies and core concepts, as well as an overview of our online and hands-on, practical training programs.
Once orientations were completed, our team members were assigned to a crew as their lead took them out on a tour of their routes for the winter season. It is here where we covered key information that is central to satisfying our clients’ needs while ensuring a safe environment is upheld for our clients and our staff. The route tour included an overview of:
- Site walks – covering any potential hazards and how to mitigate them.
- Training and overview of any new services or equipment to be utilized on particular sites.
- Specific client expectations and requirements regarding quality of service, administration, and safety.
- General health and safety education when working long hours, at all times of the day, in extreme weather conditions.
We also hosted a Master Series Event last November for employees, which covered Winter Wellness in-depth as we prepared for the season. The Master Series covered:
- How to be “Fit for Duty”
– Getting adequate hydration
– Focusing on proper nutrition
– Ensuring enough rest and sleep
– Dressing in the correct attire
The Master Series also taught Ergonomic Exercises that prepared employees for the use of specific machinery and equipment. We also brought in a company that provided virtual hands-on training for different types of heavy equipment.
Our commitment to the health and safety of our employees, clients, and communities is ongoing. We continue to invest resources into improving our practices and ensuring top of the line training, hands-on experience, and open communication in order to create the best possible procedures. We look forward to servicing your properties this season!