Helping Commercial Properties Prepare for Winter During Covid-19

While the leaves transition into various shades of fall, commercial property owners are carefully preparing for the winter season ahead.
Over the past 7 months, COVID-19 has placed an important spotlight on the health and safety needs of our global communities, causing millions of businesses to reinvent their approach to community safety.
From PPE’s and crowd restrictions to sanitization and social distancing measures, Canadian businesses have shown admirable dedication to creating safe, preventative spaces that their staff, clients and communities can rely on.
With the winter months around the corner, we encourage commercial property owners to apply these same preventative measures to their winter property management.
We at Clintar Commercial Outdoor Services offer over 45 years of experience in plowing, snow removal and ice prevention services to commercial properties all across the country.
With a commitment to social responsibility, our winter services are dedicated to maintaining safe commercial spaces alongside the needs of the global pandemic.
Protect Your Commercial Property with Clintar’s Winter Services
Ready to respond at any given moment, our professional crews work quickly and efficiently to clear any amount of snow from blocking access to your property. With modern machinery and industry-leading experience, we ensure that your entrances, sidewalks, roadways and parking lot areas are safe and easily accessible.
Snow & Ice Removal
Your safety is our priority. With unpredictable weather conditions, our crews are dispatched the moment they are needed. From heavy snow accumulation to the threat of dangerous ice, we take all preventative measures to ensure that your staff, customers and communities are always well-protected from harsh seasonal risks.
Salting & Ice Prevention
With regular site patrol visits, our proactive salting and ice prevention services help keep your property one step ahead of dangerous situations. While salt products can be harmful to our environment, animals and local water resources, our crew members always apply diligent salt usage protocols to best support sustainability.
Brine Solutions
An eco-friendly alternative to salt, we highly recommend combining salt and brine solution to not only reduce the cost of overall winter services, but to protect the well-being of our local wildlife and landscaping. Brine solution provides proven and reliable results without the risk of salt runoff, fresh water contamination and possible property damage caused by traditional salt.
Site Patrol
At Clintar Commercial Outdoor Services, our work does not end once the snow has been cleared. With ongoing site patrol, our crews will routinely inspect your commercial property for any signs of ice and/or snow buildup. With the ability to remove these threats before they become a problem, your property will have uninterrupted accessibility all season long.
24-Hour Weather Monitoring
From snow plowing vehicles equipped with weather monitoring technology to over 30 site monitoring stations installed across the country, Clintar’s 24/7 weather monitoring teams are able to track weather changes without having to travel from site to site. With the ability to make real-time service decisions, our fleets are always fully-stocked and ready to go.
Preparing Your Commercial Property For Winter During COVID-19
As the weather gets colder, our crews are ready to protect your property from all types of potential threats.
From health and safety protocols to constantly improving service procedures, we continue to evolve with the changing needs of our clients, communities and global environment.
At Clintar Commercial Outdoor Services, we are committed to upholding the best practices in not only our health and safety standards, but our customer service standards as well.
With a dedicated Health & Safety Program, our zero-incident culture allows us to safeguard our standards during COVID-19, as well as ensure consistency across each of our national franchise locations.
To guarantee the protection of our staff, clients and communities, our certified technicians continue to practice strict health and safety protocols when on-site at a commercial property.
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, our crew members are committed to the following safety guidelines:
– Maintaining a 6’-8’ distance between crew members
– Limit of 5 employees at a worksite
– Frequent sanitization of vehicles, machinery and equipment
– Proper on-site supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE)
Creating Safer Winter Properties with Winter Property Management Services
At Clintar Commercial Outdoor Services, we are dedicated to maintaining safe and reliable commercial properties no matter the season.
While Canadian winters are often as harsh as they are unpredictable, we provide the peace of mind that commercial property owners deserve.
Each year, the number of slip and fall lawsuits reported have become enough to put many snow removal companies completely out of business.
From skyrocketing premium rates to unrealistic deductibles, the financial pressure not only exposes these contracting companies to the threat of bankruptcy, but it also puts local communities at risk.
At Clintar, our winter services are fully insured against slip and fall liabilities to help commercial property owners make effective, confident decisions for the safety of their businesses.
With a long season ahead of us, our dedicated professionals look forward to servicing your commercial properties this winter!
If you are interested in protecting your commercial property with winter snow removal, plowing and ice prevention services, click here or contact us for more details.