Clintar has added Noxious Weed & Invasive Species control to its list of services

Just in time for summer, Clintar is pleased to announce that it now offers Industrial Vegetation Control in Oakville, Markham, Barrie, London, Hamilton, Toronto, Mississauga, Milton, Kitchener, Waterloo and Brampton.
Performed by extermination professionals licensed by the Ministry of the Environment, Clintar can now rid your property of poison ivy, invasive phragmites and anything in between.
This addition is in direct response to requests by customers who believe, as we do, that a healthy outdoor space is key to a healthy working environment, and that the presence of unruly pests, noxious weeds and other predatory species reflects poorly on them and their brands.
More than image
Sustainability is another reason Clintar made the investment in licensing and certifying employees for extermination services.
Far too much money, water and human resource is wasted every year on redoing outdoor spaces because of the damage caused by unwanted insects and uncontrolled weeds. These unnecessary expenditures can be avoided through responsible Integrated Pest Management practices, which Clintar staff has been trained to perform.
Responsible extermination includes the safe use of products to protect and reduce impact on the environment. With the conversation leaning more against pesticides and herbicides in high-density areas (and rightfully so), it’s on us as a company to find ways to use the right mix that does the job without putting our clients’ people at risk. And that’s exactly what the PTPIC (Pesticide Training Program) program covers. In the last year, over 40 Clintar employees have gone through the course and received their technician certification status.

The Clintar Way
Facility managers, property managers, CEOs, VPs and government procurement officers know Clintar as a company that continually pushes itself and its franchise owners to improve the overall service and commitment to excellence. Adding
responsible, sustainable extermination to the suite of offerings is just another example of this in action.
If you would like to learn more about how Clintar can help keep your property free from insects, weeds and other invasive species, please contact Brent Giles at the Clintar Head Office.