Clintar Annual National Conference 2018

This week, Clintar Commercial Outdoor Services held its Annual National Conference, which included franchise owners from across Canada, and members of the Clintar Head Office team. Following our tradition, this year’s conference, held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, offered a broad range of highly interactive sessions, with experts sharing their latest knowledge, experience and presentations focusing on our Company’s key strategic pillars in business: Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Operations, HR and Finance.
Included in this year’s National Conference, was also an Awards Ceremony, where franchisees received recognition for their success, in various categories, including Service, Health and Safety, Sales and Management. Congratulations to all of our franchisee winners!
Our Training & Development speakers included:
Chad J. Willett, National Speakers Association/Screen Actors Guild, challenged the group to unleash their creative energies by SMASHING concepts, walls, barriers, and in short, the Box of life.
Lisa da Rocha, B.Sc., MBA, AASBC, Co-Founder & Business Strategy Advisor, Office Coffee Solutions, gave an impassioned presentation on the successes and challenges she experienced as an entrepreneur in launching and running her company, Office Coffee Solutions. Lisa offered her expertise in what franchise owners should do to ensure that their business is successful today, and tomorrow.
Mike Robertson – Vice President, Ravenshoe Group, who gave an overview of all the marketing support that the Clintar franchisees received in the past year, and the innovative marketing support they will continue to receive in the following year from Ravenshoe Group, to assist in raising the awareness of what Clintar does in commercial outdoor services in their local communities and .
Mike Lysecki, founder of LMN (Landscape Management software), offered his expertise in business management by having the conference delegates play a landscape management simulation that challenged them to creatively work together to delivery outdoor management services to 3 scenario properties.
Special Guest Appearances
At this year’s Conference, there were a number of Special Guest Appearances, which included:
Karen Furneaux, former Olympian Rowing Team Member and winner of 9 medals at the ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships, over a 20 year-long career. Karen, a native of Nova Scotia, spoke about the connection between health, mindset and performance, about the work ethic needed to compete and win on a world stage, and how her strength of body and mind helped her overcome challenges that occurred along the way. Her presentation was an inspiration to us all!
Tracy Durkee-Jones, CEO, Atlantic Region (Canada), Make-A-Wish, gave the group a presentation about the Make-A-Wish foundation. Clintar Commercial Outdoor Services is a National Sponsor of Make-A-Wish and Tracy updated the group on Clintar’s 2018 sponsored wish, giving one young girl her wish to go with her family to Disneyworld. In 2019, Clintar will be sponsoring another child’s wish to go with her family to Japan! However, the attendees were so moved by Tracy’s presentation, additional funds were raised to grant more wishes!